I am under the firing process, but I don’t mind.
I don’t mind because I know something better is coming.
I get overwhelmed at all God is changing at once, but I don’t mind.
I don’t mind because I know when he’s done I’ll be stronger.
I know my relationship with Him will deepen.
I know he will raise me up to soar with eagles.
Something I cannot do on my own.
The old is being scrapped away.
Similar to a marshmallow in the fire, burnt on the outside but delicious on the inside.
I may look burnt and I probably act like it too, but inside I’m healing.
When the charred is wiped away and the inside revealed,
I pray, I beg Jesus that I will look like him when inside is revealed.
I pray that when the charred pieces are removed I will bare his image!
I pray I will ooze out and the world will know there is something different.
There is something life giving and wonderful.
I pray they will see the peace I have. Peace only found in Jesus!
Oh sit and listen to all the wonderful things he wants to tell you!
Oh sit and expect! Sit and watch the wonders God will do for you!
Oh beloved Jesus loves you with an everlasting love.
I am being stretched but I don’t mind.
I don’t mind because I know I will be able to reach so much further.
I am waiting and I do mind this, but I am learning to not mind.
I am learning God has a purpose. To expect Him to be great!
What kind of God do I think he is if I know he can do great things but don’t think he will?
He will DO great things in my life! I will walk it! I will talk it! I will believe it!
Yes, God puts me in the fire but he knows what temperatures I can take.
He knows how long I can stand the heat. He knows what heat to use.
My God is all knowing and he knows me!
He knows my heart and how it cries. He knows it worships him and him alone.
My God knows me and I am learning to know Him.
I am learning my shepherd’s voice. To distinguish it from any other sound or voice.
I am learning my shepherd’s voice so that I may know which way to turn, when to stop, when to go. I listen to know how the shepherd needs me to pray and for whom he needs me to pray.
Yes I am confident the Lord speaks and that he speaks to me!
Yes the maker of this world, my daddy, the king of this universe and the next speaks to me!
Yes I trust my King, I trust when knows I am ready to be put in the fire.
I trust my daddy to know what is best for me.
What does your trust look like? Do you trust at all? Whom do you trust?