Titus lit up like a christmas tree. Mark can walk in the door at the end of the day
and Titus will smile after having a scowl on his face all day. As if to say were where you all day dad!
Naomi will be the talker with "great" ideas and Titus will look at her
like I don't know about this and will forever say mom it was her idea.
So...with 2 month old twins and a three year old we didn't make it to church this year. Which is fine because Jesus has risen whether we go to church easter sunday or any sunday for that matter! He has risen and we are so thankful. I am also thankful because Maddie has asked Jesus in her heart this easter season. We strive to teach God's word when we sit and when we rise, when we are church, when we are at the supper table, in the bathtub. May his words forever be on our lips.
The girls looked beautiful and Titus looked so handsome in his new clothes! Silly how we dress them up in clothes they'll grow out of in five seconds, but it's fun none the less while it lasts! Enjoy the pics!
How special!!